Wabo®HingeMount (HDH)
Interior floor hinged expansion joint coverplate system - Surface mounted and ideal for uneven floor and decks. Quickly and easily installs in retrofit repair projects.
Sika Emseal now supports and sells all Wabo® Commercial products.
An interior hinged expansion joint cover, Wabo®HingeMount (HDH) is a durable floor expansion joint cover system that accommodates thermal movement with the capability of accepting finish floor treatments ranging from 1/8 inch to 3/8 inch in thickness. The integral hinge feature of HingeMount accommodates displacement from vertical movement or uneven slabs up to 2 inches.
Ideal for retrofit projects, the system is quickly and easily installed and surface mounts directly to concrete slabs or finished flooring. HingeMount is available for pedestrian or light cart traffic and utilizes an integral hinge feature that easily accommodates vertical offsets up to 1 inch.
Specify Emshield® DFR for the added life safety assurance of built-in UL 2079 fire rating.