Nosing Material or Header Material
Expansion joint nosing or header material is a resin (usually polyurethane based) with aggregate additives that is mixed and poured in the field into blockouts on each side of a structural expansion joint gap. The material when cured is less rigid than the adjacent concrete substrate and as a result is more forgiving of traffic impact and suddenly applied vehicle loads. A high performance nosing material should be conservatively loaded with aggregates so as to preserve flexibility and avoid brittleness.
Used as a bedding material beneath cover plate systems, a conservatively-aggregate-loaded nosing or header material can be used as a leveling course to take any play out of the plates while additionally serving to absorb the loud bangs typical of cover plates mounted directly to hard, uneven, concrete surfaces.
Nosing as used with EMSEAL’s SJS
NOTE: The definitions of terms and terminology herein are rooted in the context of use in the field of construction-related joint sealing in EMSEAL’s experience. They are provided with the intent of offering a fuller understanding of the context of their usage. Any suggestions or questions regarding interpretation are welcome and should be directed to Thank you.