Nashville SC GEODIS PARK MLS Soccer Stadium Seating Bowl

Nashville SC, GEODIS Park MLS Stadium, Tennessee


Date: 2021, 2022

Nashville SC GEODIS Park MLS Soccer Stadium Seating Bowl

Stadium Expansion Joint details and design should always start with 3-D renderings. This crucial element can make or break waterproofing your building enclosure. The designer on the Nashville SC GEODIS Park MLS Stadium, Populous, understands and implements this strategy expertly. Axon drawings of the expansion joints, and required transitions, lay-out the components for more accurate bidding, which reduces RFI’s and change orders. These also assist the GC and subcontractors with sequencing and mobilization for successful and efficient installations. This project was a success from beginning to end and it’s all thanks to a collaborative effort and proven process of designing these magnificent structures in 3-D.

Expansion Joint Details - Axon View


The 3-D Design Assists with the Various Trades Coordination

Stadium Expansion Joint Roof Transition from Curb to Corner Wall at Nashville SC GEODIS PARK MLS Stadium by Sika Emseal

Watertight Building Enclosure from Roof to Wall

Stadium Roof to Wall Expansion Joint Transitions are Easily Accomplished with Factory-Fabricated and Leak-Checked Custom Products by Sika Emseal

Stadium Roof Expansion Joint Covers Easily Installed Running Alongside Roof to Wall Interface at Nashville SC GEODIS PARK MLS Stadium by Sika Emseal

Roof Parapet Transition Factory Welded to Ensure Continuity of Seal

Roof Parapet Expansion Joint Transition at Nashville SC GEODIS PARK MLS Soccer Stadium by Sika Emseal

Roof Expansion Joint Cover Termination Concealed with Parapet Cap Flashing

Stadium Parapet Roof Expansion Joint Installed Under Parapet Cap Flashing at Nashville SC GEODIS PARK MLS Stadium by Sika Emseal

Roof Corner Parapet Expansion Joint Termination Under Cap Flashing at Nashville SC GEODIS PARK MLS Stadium by Sika Emseal