(TPA) Tampa International Airport, Tampa


Date: 2004-2017

Airport floor expansion joint MIGUTRANS 75/… integrates unobtrusively with terrazzo flooring in Tampa International Airport.

Tampa Terminal gets airport floor expansion joint upgrade to First Class:

Airport floor expansion joint covers see it all. Rolling luggage, high-heels, strollers, utility lifts, luggage carts, cleaning and catering carts, dumpsters and more.

Migutrans 75/… integrates unobtrusively with terrazzo flooring in airport terminal floors and is ideally suited to airport floor expansion joint applications.

FS 75/… with transition to Seismic Colorseal wall joint. Seismic Colorseal provides aesthetic integration and sound proofing for interior walls

(Note: Now also available: Emshield WFR2. This 2-hour UL fire-rated wall joint system would look the same as in the picture to the right, but adds built-in 2-hour, life-safety, fire protection).

Point loads from hard, small wheeled traffic is the number one destroyer of interior floor joints–particularly “rubber and rail” type systems.  The Migutrans  series of expansion joints are specifically offered and rated to handle point loads from a variety of equipment, wheel, and traffic types.