EMSEAL Rocks Earth Day 2019

Everyday at EMSEAL we ask our employees to be the best that each person can be. Whether it’s remedying a construction problem, maintaining strong customer relationships, or  making sure that the best product gets to where it needs to be — when it needs to be there.

With this culture of teamwork comes the additional opportunity to reach outside of our business model and help out the local and larger community. And so it’s not a surprise to anyone that our family of employees are ready and eager to pitch in support as needed. This year’s tremendous turnout for our 2019 Earth Day clean-up is a great example of how we are able to operate.

(Click picture to see everyone)

In Our Community's Own Words

Sometimes it’s best to let others describe our efforts …

” On behalf of the Westborough Community Land Trust, I would like to express my sincere thanks for EMSEAL’s outstanding participation in our Earth Day Town-Wide Litter Cleanup again this year. Through the years, your company’s dependable participation has been key to our effort to keep Westborough beautiful and safe for the wildlife that live here.

EMSEAL is a picture of what a great corporate citizen of our community looks like. Your employees support our all-volunteer town cleanup effort reliably every year, always going beyond our expectations. When you say some employees will help, 80% of your available workforce turns out! And when we ask if you can double your cleanup area, you cheerfully comply. Every business should look to EMSEAL’s example to see how they can make a positive difference in their corner of the world.” (Read more)

(Click picture to see everyone)